hot tub and stress

How a hot tub can help you keep your New Year Resolutions

If you’re like most of America, you probably made health-related new year resolutions for the new year. Studies show that 92% of people don’t keep their resolutions while 80% fail as early as January 20th!

Here are a few ways a hot tub or sauna can help you keep your New Year Resolutions to be a better & healthier YOU this year:

Decrease your Stress

Studies show that just 15 minutes of hot tub soaking a day can significantly decrease your stress levels. In those 15 minutes you can encourage blood circulation, release healing endorphins, give your joints stress & pain relief and even over time, reduce your blood sugar levels.

Try soaking for 15 minutes in the morning & see if your need for caffeine through the day diminishes. And if you soak for 15 minutes before bed, the National Sleep Foundation says you have a better chance of a deeper, more fulfilling and healing sleep!

Lower your Blood Pressure

According to the American Heart Association, the heat generated in a hot tub causes blood vessels to open (a process called vasodilation), lowering blood pressure.  If you have high blood pressure, be sure to clear hot tub use with your Doctor and most doctors suggest limiting soaking time to 15 minutes or less at a water temperature no hotter than 104 degrees.

Weight Loss

A 30 minute infrared sauna session can burn 200-600 calories! As the body works to cool itself while using an infrared sauna, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate.

A hot tub is a great environment to perform hot tub exercises because of the warmth and body’s buoyancy while in the water. Check out some Simple Hot Tub Exercises you could try!


Because of a hot tub or sauna, you can be already ahead of the game for your health and wellness resolutions this year!


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