One of our customers who purchased a hot tub from our Exton Hot Tub Showroom left a great review about their new Hot Spring Grandee hot tub. He said, “I had our Grandee delivered Christmas Eve….What amazes me is the quality. When the delivery guys had it on its side on the cart, I noticed […]
Most Popular Hot Tub Models of 2012
The beginning of a new year is a time to reflect on the past: We’re excited to share the trends we’ve observed like The most Popular Hot Tubs of 2012.
Why do I have so many hot tub filters?
A customer recently asked me why there were so many hot tub filters in her Hot Spring Grandee hot tub (The Grandee has 5 filters), and I thought it was a good question. So I asked one of our sales reps who is an expert on the Hot Spring Spa filtration. He told me: Hot Spring Spas have […]