How Long is Too Long: Keep Your Eye on the Clock while in Your Hot Tub

How Long is Too Long: Keep Your Eye on the Clock while in Your Hot Tub

When you get a hot tub, you may wonder a little bit about the health risks. What safety procedures should you follow to stay safe and healthy? We’ve got your guide right here. If you’re looking for a backyard hot tub in Exton, PA, Spring Dance Hot Tubs is the place for you!

Healthy Adults can Remain in 98-degree water Indefinitely

You might wonder why hot tub temperatures matter. Aren’t hot tubs essentially the same as large bathtubs? The problem is something called “heat content” in science. In an ordinary bathtub, the water temperature decreases fairly quickly because of the smaller volume of water. In a hot tub that has both a larger volume of water and heaters keeping the water at a certain temperature, you can cause harm to your body if you’re not careful.

Healthy adults have 98.7-degree body temperatures. If your water is at 98 degrees, you can sit in your hot tub as long as you want. As you relax, you may notice how the water makes your body temperature a little cooler. Stick with your 98-degree setting until 5 minutes before you get out. Then, you can raise the temperature.

Pregnant Women and Kids should Avoid 102-degree Water Until Later

Kids who are under age 12 and even some younger than 18 don’t have the body mass and overall resilience of a full-grown adult. Their tender skin should only spend 10 minutes at a time in 102-degree water.

Babies in pregnant women are kept at a specific temperature. This is regulated by their mother’s body. Pregnant women should avoid spending time in 102-degree water.

Everyone should Restrict Their Time to 15 Minutes or Less in 104-degree Water

104-degree water is the temperature of a highly-dangerous fever. Even if you acclimate your body to the higher temperature, your system will always go into a semi-feverish state for the next two days following your long hot tub dip. Everyone should severely limit their time to hot tubs that they keep at 104 degrees.

Extra Precautions

These are some common-sense rules for people who are looking at hot tub dealers in PA:

-Keep long hair braided or tied back.

-Alcohol will skew your sense of time.

-If you fall asleep, you may wake up dehydrated.

-Keep hot tub cover on around children who can’t swim.

-Ban unsupervised access completely to children under the age of 12.

-Adults with health conditions should consult a doctor before use.


Enjoy your brand new luxury spa and remember to contact us with any questions!

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