How much do you know about Hot Tubs: Spa

How much do you know about hot tubs!? Inspired by a magazine article published by our friends at, we’re going to share some fun facts WE learned from reading this article! First, answer the following question: The answer is: The term is derived from the town of Spa, Belgium Spa, Belgium is located in […]

Spa(s) of the Month: Geneva & Niagara

We’re getting CRAZY here at Spring Dance & this month featuring not one but TWO hot tubs as our Spa(s) of the Month! We can’t mention the Caldera Spas Geneva without mentioning the Caldera Spas Niagara, so we decided to feature both! We call the Geneva & Niagara “Sister Spas” since they are both the exact same […]

Win a trip to Finland from Finnleo Saunas

Since we convinced you you NEED a sauna because of all the great Health Benefits we mentioned, how would you like to win a trip to Finland where saunas are a part of the Finnish culture? Finnleo Saunas is giving away a weekend trip for two to Helsinki, the capital of Finland! Enter to win the […]

Health Benefits of a Sauna

This month we’re talking about Hot-Tubbing in the cold, and yes we realize that saunas aren’t exactly hot tubs, but we think they are the PERFECT cold-weather ‘accessory!’ Not only do saunas have incredible health benefits, but there is evidence that sitting in a sauna can ward off cold symptoms! Here are a few other of […]

Spa of the Month: The Limelight Pulse

Since we’re talking about Hot-tubbing in the cold this month, it’s a perfect time to feature our favorite hot tub to use once the weather turns frigid: Our Spa of the Month- The Limelight Pulse! Okay you caught us, we think every hot tub is great to use in the cold, but here are some great […]

Hot Tubs and the Common Cold

Bless you! With cold & flu season just around the corner, people are always looking for extra ways to stay healthy during the cold months. Did you know your hot tub has health benefits beyond just a fun place for the family to congregate and a relaxing place to enjoy a glass of wine? Here […]

Hot-Tubbing in the Cold: Save Money when heating your hot tub

Here’s a HOT TIP for winter hot tub care about your Hot Spring brand hot tub* that can save you money on your electric bill this winter! When you’re heating your hot tub for the first time or on a refill, turn off the breaker that runs your heater. You have a 24/7 circulation pump in your […]

Best of Bucks 2011: We’re a Winner!

We are delighted to announce we have WON the Best of Bucks 2011 competition for the Best Hot Tub Dealer of Bucks-Mont! The Intelligencer & Courier Post newspapers run this competition annually & we’ve won this award a few years in a row! Thanks to everyone who voted us the best!

Halloween Hot Tub

Our Hot Spot Tempo Hot Tub is on sale this weekend! [Scary goblin-monkey looking creature costs extra] (That’s William- hot tub salesman extraordinaire in our Jamison Hot Tub Showroom!)Happy Halloween!

Why do I have so many hot tub filters?

A customer recently asked me why there were so many hot tub filters in her Hot Spring Grandee hot tub (The Grandee has 5 filters), and I thought it was a good question. So I asked one of our sales reps who is an expert on the Hot Spring Spa filtration. He told me: Hot Spring Spas have […]